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You may be asking what is Howling For Help? Well let me tell you little bit about our program and what all we have done so far over the years. This program is to help communities, families and children when they are in need.  This program is not based on how much you make like most government programs everyone can qualify. The difference is it is not something you can just say hey I need help and apply for this. How we get people is by the community resources and community members saying hey I know this person that needs some help.  We then look into how we can help them. Weather it be help paying a bill, help with a vehicle, paying for tutoring, or help paying for things their children need to be successful in life and school.  We always looking for donations weather it be money, clothing, furniture, toys, electronics, fixer upper vehicles. Now you probably saying wow that amazing, but what have you done so far. Well let me tell you and I think you will be impressed. We started this is 2018 when I first met a family that was living in their car in the Walmart parking lot cause they couldn't pay their rent but had a job and no one good help them. So I set out to find them an apartment and pay for the first 2 months of rent and security deposit. Every DJ gig my company books I will set a side 10% to 30% depending how much profit I made to help this family. Within one week I found a landlord and told him what I was doing he said ok I have this place for rent lets get them in there and I trust that within 2 months you will have there 2 months of rent. So within 1 month I was able to hand the landlord there 2 months of rent. This got me thinking what more can I do to give back cause I love doing this so I did more. So Howling for help was started. So far we have given out 200 tablets, helped 60 different families, donated enough money to make 7 make a wish kids dream come true, handed out 3000 Halloween costume's, 50 Puffy Mattress,  bought 50 prom dress's, 40 prom tux's. The dream vision for this company it one day be able to give out a brand new car, and a house or pay a years rent for Christmas. The goal Ultimate goal is to make sure everyone knows, we are willing to help not matter what your income is cause everyone needs help from time to time. So we help in hopes when they get on their feet one day they return the favor for someone else cause like i said everyone needs help. If you are interested in being apart of this, donating or helping sponsor one of the events we hold for it please contact us or go to the SPONSOR PAGE. Thanks for all help and even if you can't help spread the word abut our program cause maybe one day someone will need our help. 


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2024 GOAL

To Give Back as Much as we can

Weather it be Money, Prayer, Motivation

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